The DaV'ange Group

Got it wrong? Let us help you put it right!

No on sets out to underpay their staff. But it is happening more and more as the industrial environment becomes more and more complicated.

In our sector (Health and Community Services) we have some of the most complex and ambiguous awards of any sector.

As one example, The SCHADS award is so complex, it is often referred to by industrial professionals as “That Bloody Award”

It is so complex, honest providers are finding out at audit they have been underpaying people for years. 37 cents a shift for 7 years across 100 staff ads up.

Fair Work Assistance — Consultancy Firm in Brisbane

When an agency finds themselves in this situation they need competent help from those who know how to navigate this process.

We have consultants with extensive experience in our sector at senior levels, on boards and as CEOs. We have forensic accountants and consultants with HR and Fair Work Australia experience including former Fair Work Ombudsman Investigators.

How Do We Help

The DaVange groups works with agencies in this situation to develop rectification strategies for situations of underpayment and incorrect payment.

Our service involves;

Assisting you to conduct the forensic wage analysis to accurately determine the full extent of any liabilities.

Supporting you to self-report

Supporting you to negotiate terms of the rectification

Supporting you to manage stakeholders so you have the time to rectify the issue.

Overwhelmingly, in our experience the most important variable that determines success and continuation of trade is not funds, its time.

If you would like a confidential consultation please contact us below: